Learn about our Nutritional Approach

What is an NTP?

I love seeing women empower themselves by learning more about their health and wellness. I am an RN, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), and a Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) and I use a holistic and individually unique approach to address chronic health symptoms such as digestive dysfunction, struggling with gas, bloating, constipation, hormone imbalance, fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation, and decreased adrenal function by utilizing functional lab work and focusing on lifestyle modification, customized supplementation, and bio-individualized and targeted nutrition.

I cannot diagnose or treat any diseases, but I can support the body through individualized nutrition, life style changes, and supplementation so it can function optimally. When the body is given the nutrients it needs, it is capable of healing and thriving!

How it started

My health journey began years ago and really came to a head after the birth of our fourth baby. I found myself feeling immense fatigue, I was struggling with hair loss and brain fog, my skin was breaking out, my cycle was heavy and painful and every month I found myself in bed for a few days because of it. There were many foods I used to love and found I could no longer enjoy without struggling with major digestive upset. I was eating less and less, trying to work out as much as I could despite the immense fatigue, and still gaining weight. I sought out a doctor for help and was told that this was totally normal. The doctor said that I was just a mom to four little ones and explained all of my symptoms. “One day it will all pass….”, he said and offered me weight-loss medications in the meantime…

When did it all change?

I started working with many different practitioners including a Naturopathic Physician, Chiropractors, and body work specialists. So many of these practitioners truly helped me, but what was missing was the importance of nutrition and lifestyle changes. I made so much progress with these practitioners and was so thankful for each one of them, and I was learning about the importance of finding and addressing the root cause. That is when I found the Nutritional Therapy Association and learned more about Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTPs).

Throughout my training I started putting into place what I was learning and that is when I truly saw my symptoms eliminated and my health begin to soar! It radically changes my health! I no longer struggled with extreme symptoms during my cycles, my hair stopped falling out, my body felt calm for the first time in a long time, most of my digestive symptoms went away and I started enjoying foods I hadn’t eaten in a long time.

I started eating more and losing weight, and I even had the energy to workout again and truly enjoy it! I am passionate about empowering other women so they can take charge of their health experience the same healing.

Get Started

Step 1:

Sign up for your Discovery call with Whitney! This allows you to share your current health challenges, changes you’d like to experience, and a little more about your health history. This also lets me share with you what it would be like to work together and to make sure we are a good fit. Prior to your Discovery Call you will be sent a Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, Health History intake form, and questions about your current health challenges and goals.

20 mins | Free | Book Call Now

Step 2:

Purchase your package and let’s get started working together! Currently, I offer a One-on-One 3 month package. Why 3 months? Because you did not get to where you are in your health overnight and improving health and wellness through addressing the root cause of symptoms takes time. If you can’t commit to at least 3 months of focusing on your health, then I believe you won’t see the results you desire. Throughout the 3 months you will get one 90 minute consultation call, followed by a 60 minute recommendation call, you will get frequent check-in calls, free updates to your customized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement protocol, access to free resources like meal plans, grocery lists, and snack guides, weekly emails containing education and printables to help you reach your health goals, customized meal plans to fit your needs, unlimited e-mail support, and a 10% discount on professional grade supplements.

3 Month Commitment | $1,200 | Join the Waitlist

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I work with clients in 3 month packages.

    Adult Package: $1,200/3 months

  • • One 90 minute initial call

    • One 60 minute initial recommendations call

    • Check-in Calls throughout your package

    • Access to professional supplement lines at a 10% discount

    • Unlimited e-mail support

    • Weekly e-mail check-ins with video and printable resources to support you on your journey

    • Personalized meal plans

    • In-depth and customized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations

    • Helpful Resources (protein and fiber guide, eat out guide, meal plans, snack guides, etc)

    • Free updates to your customized protocol as needed

  • It took months and maybe even years to get to where you are with your health and it will take time to see positive changes as well. I believe that if you don’t commit to at least 3 months, than you likely won’t see the changes you desire in your health. Addressing the root cause of symptoms is not a quick fix, it takes time to experience healing.

  • The cost of supplements functional lab testing like GI-Map, SIBO, or MRT food sensitivity testing (around $1,000), are not included.

    You also have to come with the desire to experience change and the willingness to participate in the protocol we develop together.

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