My Story began when I was struggling and told everything was “normal”…

Whitney Waller, RN, NTP, CNHP

My health journey began years ago and really came to a head after the birth of our fourth baby. I found myself feeling immense fatigue, my hair was falling out, I was struggling with brain fog, my skin was breaking out, my cycle was heavy and painful and every month I found myself in bed for a couple of days because of it. There were many foods that I used to love and found that I could no longer enjoy them without struggling with major digestive upset. I was eating less and less, trying to work out as much as I could despite the fatigue, and still gaining weight. I sought out a Dr. for help and was told that my lab work was within normal range (even if just barely) and that what I was dealing with was totally normal because I was a mom to four little ones. She continued to explain that one day the symptoms will pass as the kids get older and then she offered me weight-loss medication in the meantime to help curb my appetite….

When did it all change?

I started working with many different practitioners including a Naturopathic Physician, a Chiropractor, and body work specialists. All of these practitioners truly helped me, they listened to what I was saying, validated my struggles, and work with me on supplements that I could use to support my health. I made so much progress with these practitioners and am so thankful for each one of them. Even with their help I was still struggling with many symptoms and didn’t feel like I had found the root cause of the issue. As I learned more I knew that nutrition played a vital role in our health and wellness and knew that this could be my missing piece. That is when I found the Nutritional Therapy Association and learned more about Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTPs). Throughout my training I started putting what I was learning into practice and truly started to see big shifts in my health. It was so much more than solely nutrition, we addressed lifestyle changes , stress and sleep management, and supplements. It radically changes my health!

What you are experiencing isn’t normal, and there is something you can do about it!

I no longer was struggling with extreme symptoms during my cycles, my hair stopped falling out, my body felt calm for the first time in years and I no longer felt like I was constantly on edge. Most of my digestive symptoms went away and I started enjoying foods that I hadn’t eaten in a long time. I started eating more and losing weight! I even had the energy to work out again and actually enjoy it. I truly want others to get to experience what I did! I want to see other women feel empowered to take charge of their health and to know that you aren’t crazy, what you’re feeling isn’t normal, and there is something you can do about it.

Why should I work with an NTP?

My passion is educating other so they can better understand why they feel the way they feel and take charge of their own health. I am an RN turned Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) and I use a holistic and individually unique approach to address chronic health symptoms such as digestive dysfunction, struggling with gas, bloating, constipation, hormone imbalance, fatigue, cravings, irregular cycles, feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, decreased adrenal function and more by focusing on lifestyle modification, customized supplementation, and bio-individualized and targeted nutrition. Health isn’t one-size-fits-all and what works for one person may not work for you. That is why it is important to work with someone who can take the time to truly listen to your needs, and help you create a customized protocol that helps you meet your health goals.

I cannot diagnose or treat any disease, but I can support the body through individualized nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplementation so it can function optimally. I truly believe that when the body is given the nutrients and support it needs, it is capable of healing and thriving!

Get started with Sage & Thyme Nutrition today.